Resilience in the transformation era.

Every business I’ve worked with in the last five years is going through some form of transformation; be it re-organisation, re-skilling, building digital capabilities or data-driven cultures. Businesses are seeking to future-proof and drive commercial growth.

Whether business, marketing or digitally-focused, transformation hard work and takes time. It sometimes feels like it takes 'blood, sweat and tears'. It can, and often does, take its toll on the team leading the change as well as the teams being impacted by the change.

Decreased morale and employee engagement, increased churn and loss of key talent, loss of focus and reduced performance are all real risks for companies going through significant change.

Make ‘building resilience’ a priority.

Why is resilience so important?

Two important reasons come to mind:

  1. Support your people

  2. Ensure your transformation programme is successful

people stood in a circle placing hands on top of each other in the middle

Working with the EHQ Digital team at Samsung Electronics was a like a masterclass in building resilient teams and people. So, when I read this article, it reminded me of how the focus on building resilience allowed us to achieve so much in such as short space of time*, and how much I enjoyed working with that brilliant team!

Resilience, and the ability to persevere, is critical and as important as specialist skills and capabilities.

“In this dynamic environment, the ability to stay positive, adapt, and take steps to tilt things in one’s favour — in other words, to be resilient — becomes critical.”

Some people are naturally resilient. But not everyone in your business will be. And they may not know how to be resilient together as a team. Working with a coach is a brilliant way to help employees and teams become more adaptable.

Talking about resilience, providing appropriate coaching and training, making it part of your culture, placing importance of it, alongside employee well-being can make all the difference to employee engagement (and therefore customer engagement) as well as your transformation programme and overall growth goals.

It’s worth investing in.

*In a year, the EHQ CDM (customer data-driven marketing) team developed and launched a loyalty app, developed a data strategy to get us ready for GDPR, rolled out various lifecycle marketing campaigns, sourced (RFI, RFP) a new CDM platform, kicked off the new CDM platform implementation, sourced (RFI, RFP) a new European CDM lead agency, on-boarded the new agency, went through two reorganisations and launched two flagship products…and recalled one of them!

Pipa Unsworth

Founder & Consulting CMO at VerveIQ. Deputy Chair @ DMA UK.

VerveIQ founder recognised in “40 Over Forty” list.


VerveIQ founder named Deputy Chair of DMA.